At MĀpeople we feature people that inspire us, today we introduce you to Fi one of the former yoga teachers in Flow -, she reflects on her favorite #MĀmoments and her vision for everything related to wellbeing.
Fi favorite's MĀ blend is Good Sleep because it is a cocktail of Mandarin and lavender that smells like pure bliss and relaxation. She reflect it is like the feeling when you’re drifting off to sleep. She likes to use it when she is getting herself ready for bed to help instigate a good quality and restful sleep.
Where are you answering from?
Currently in our studio, FLOW LDN in central London.
What is your favorite place at home?
My big reading armchair in the lounge by the window, looking out to the trees outside. Perfectly positioned to watch the sunrise.
What is your favorite morning ritual, aka #MĀmoment?
Fresh coffee in bed, reading a book to my 2 year old daughter.
What is your favorite evening ritual, aka #MĀmoment?
Enjoying a home-cooked meal with my partner and unwinding on the sofa, candles lit and chill out music on
Something you always do before starting a practice
Take time to close my eyes and focus on breath-work to establish an anchor and focus for my practice. I also like to dedicate my self-practice to someone in my life who needs some TLC so whoever springs to mind before I begin moving, is who I dedicate my practice to.
What inspired you in the collaborative process with MĀ?
Environment is really important when it comes to yoga, the perceived ‘small’ details such a lighting, room temperature and aroma have a huge impact on creating a sacred and immersive space in which to get lost in my practice. I really love the different scents from MA and i like the fact I can match a scent to the mood/time of day/style of pratice.
How do you think yoga can help us improve our wellbeing?
Yoga is renowned for its mental, physical & spiritual benefits. Through the numerous forms and styles available, it creates space both in the mind (by focusing on the breath) and in the body through the sequence and postures.
Yoga is also a great tool to help soothe your nervous system, lower blood pressure and cortisol and generally help you feel more connected and aware of yourself.
Where do you #FindyourMĀ?
For me, it's first thing in the morning (if I wake up before my daughter!) when I have precious time to myself to enjoy a coffee, reading my book & listening to the birds singing from outside. I feel completely at peace and it’s a great start to the day.
The smell would be something invigorating & revitalising like Vitality, as I feel ready to take on the day ahead with energy and positivity.
Any words of wisdom for an inspired life? A life moto?
Invest in your health to prevent needing to invest in your illness.
Any person that inspires you as to be featured as a #MĀpeople?
One of our wonderful yoga teachers, Nadine, who is a walking version of Zen! Her energy is so calm and loving & her classes are very detail focussed including the scent of the room she teaches in.
Thank you Fi for sharing you wisdom with us.
For more inspiration, follow Fly LDN @fly_ldn and Flow Ldn @flow_ldn
The MĀkers. __